Sheri Tepper - Jinian 02 - Dervish Daughter Read online

Page 3

  Brom smiled more widely yet. No titles, no place of residence. Drifters. Tra-la. He did not notice my eyes fixed upon him from behind, like a gimlet into a hole, no longer smiling. "As to our festival, it is the festival of Finaggy-Bum, during which are processions, bands, feasting and gaiety, dancing in the streets, and fire- works at dusk. And," he said with a sidelong, sly look, "the determining by the Cloth Merchants' Council of who should be Merchant's man for the next year."

  He must have been disappointed that we showed no interest in this topic. Instead, Peter changed the subject once more. "Are there many Gamesmen hereabout?"

  We had seen none of the familiar Game garments among those on the streets.

  "Gamesmen? From the True Game lands? Oh, no, young sir, indeed not. It seems their Talents are somewhat muted in these Northern Lands. Was a Tragamor came through only a season ago told me he could not move a filled cup off the table here in Bloome."

  "Krerk," said the left-hand krylobos, most probably Yittleby. "Liar."

  "I know," I agreed. Still, there were very few Gamesmen about. Either they did not come here, or did not stay here, or... Or they stayed here in some other guise than their own.

  "Keraw whit," agreed the birds.

  The way up Sheel Street was lengthy because of its many turnings as it wound back and forth across the hill. There were wagons everywhere, transporting bolts of cloth, mostly of a vile, organic pink color. There were more costume shops, and here and there a booth blazoned,



  with a display case of dream crystals glittering inside, green and violet and amber orange. I didn't see any of the reddish ones we'd seen at Zog or any of the piss-yellow ones we'd found on the corpses, but every other color was shown.

  Large, ornate houses stood on either hand, most of them in some state of disrepair, sounds of occupancy beginning to be heard in the street, "Morning, Brom," said one gatekeeper curiously, leaning on his broom as he spoke. His hat was two armspans tall, with a ruff of feathers at the top, and his trousers were made up of narrow ribbons wound 'round his legs, ending in a kind of obscene pink tassel over his crotch. "Visitors?"

  "Visitors." Brom waved offhandedly, not stopping. "Hungry visitors, Philp. Can't stop. Have to offer some breakfast before they fall flat." Then, as the road turned to come back above the sweeper, "Nice fella, that. Cloth merchant. 'Course, most of us in Bloome are, come to that."

  We approached the portal and were admitted to the courtyard through a narrow door set in the greater one. Queynt unharnessed the birds, refusing the assistance of a rat-faced stableman, and left them to guard the wagon. We hadn't walked twenty paces down a corridor after Brom when a terrified squeal from the courtyard brought us back. The rat-faced man lay supine beside the wagon, a large bird's foot planted on his belly. "I was just having a look at the wagon, having a look, that's all."

  "I wouldn't," said Queynt cheerfully. "The birds don't like it."

  Brom's face was not quite as cheerful as he led us the rest of the way to the dining room. He left us there while he spoke to certain kitchen people, obtaining enough reassurance from that to regain his grin by the time he returned. "Breakfast coming," he said. "Baths if you want them. Then-why, then I can lend you some clothes to wander about town, if you like." He seemed almost to be holding his breath as he awaited our response.

  "Perhaps after we've eaten," I said firmly, in a don't-contradict-me voice. "We'll talk about it then. And we would appreciate a bath, if you don't mind." Thinking it would be the one way we could get off to ourselves.

  Which I, but only I, achieved after refusing an officious offer of service from a chambermaid. Brom accompanied the men to their bath and stayed with them. Peter told me later he thought Brom would probably have washed their backs for them given half an opportunity. They came back for me when they were clean and brushed, and without ceremony I invited Peter and Queynt inside, saying, "Excuse us a moment, Brom. There are a few things we need to discuss... " waving him away with Chance, hearing Chance's voice start up immediately.

  "This is a city worth seeing, sure enough, friend Brom, but let me tell you about the city of Cleers. Well, now... "

  "For heaven's sake, Jinian. What's the matter?" Peter knew from my expression I was bothered.

  "I have a notion of trouble, and the man's a liar."

  Queynt was examining the room for hidden panels or grills. "What do your notions tell you, friend Jinian?"

  "Hints only, but worth considering. Whatever the Merchant's man is up to, it isn't what he says he's up to. I suggest we go wary, Peter, wary."

  "Seems a nice-enough fellow."

  "I'm telling you."

  "I hear you. Seems determined to get us to wear his old clothes, doesn't he?"

  "That, yes. Among other things."

  "You think he's connected to this Dream Miner nemesis of yours?"

  "Could be."

  "A lot of villainy to lay on one strangely dressed fellow."

  "I know. He may not be involved at all, but he's mighty sweaty and eager over something. It's that which bothers me. He's trying to use us for ends of his own, all excited over some possibility or other. Go wary, folk. That's all. Don't eat anything I don't." I laid down my hairbrush, threw my hair over my shoulder, and led the way to the door. "I thank him for the bath, at least. It's been a while."

  I scarce knew myself these days, so breezy and casual I'd become. It was the only way I could manage to get along with Peter, I'd found. Intensity itched at him, and since my celibacy oath prevented our being... well, closer than mere friends, it was better not to itch at him with things he could do little about. So, I'd adopted this manner, this easy loquacity, which sometimes rubbed me raw. Now, for example, all I wanted to do was huddle in the room with the others discussing all the possibilities and deciding what to do next. It's my basic nature to be a long thinker and slow mover; it's more Peter's nature to push at things and see what happens, getting himself out of scrape after scrape by pure intuition and flashes of sudden, inspired fire. Queynt merely watches a lot of the time, humming to himself often, as though he were invulnerable and it didn't matter what we do. He did so now, probably wondering what Brom planned to give us for breakfast.

  While in the bath, I had wrought a small spell over my lips, Fire is sparkening, setting them to burn if they touched anything unhealthful. So, I tried the sliced thrilps in syrup, finding them delicious, and the whipped eggs and sliced, smoked zeller, finding them likewise, the menfolk politely letting me eat first. Seemingly, I had worried over nothing. That is, until I raised the teacup and felt more than a natural heat from its steam. I coughed.

  "This tea," I said, allowing my voice to complain a little. "It has an odd smell, friend Brom. Acrid. Something I've smelt before but don't remember where. I think it must have become spoiled somehow. Here, smell it?" Holding it out to him so that, perforce, he must sniff at it and make up a puzzled face. "Yes? I thought so. I have some lovely stuff we bought in Zinter, and I'll just whip into your kitchen and brew some for us all."

  Brom did not drink the tea he had sniffed, nor did he insist the others do so, regarding me glumly when I returned with a steaming, well-rinsed pot.

  "Your kitchen help seem oddly depressed, Brom. Is it all these festivals? Hard on kitchen people, I've always thought." Passing clean cups. Seeming to pour it around, filling Brom's cup, chatting the while in that casual, wordy way that cost me so much effort. Peter was looking at me with his face squeezed up, two vertical lines between his eyes. He knew I was up to something.

  Brom drank. We seemed to drink. Brom's face cleared like a misted window under the caress of the sun.

  "Oh, that's very good!" And it was, for that which had gone into his cup, and only into his, was a Wize-ard brew that guaranteed both calm and truth a good deal of the time. Bless herbary. It's so useful.

  "Why do you want us to wear your festival clothes?" I asked him in a friendly voice.

  "They're out of fashion," he said, suddenly desirous we should understand. "Last year's. Last season's. So, if you wore them, the arbiters might pick you up, you know, and sentence you to service for being out of style. They might elect one of you to be Merchant's man. Then you could deal with the garbage and the roads. And the Cloth Merchants' Council, and the festival board. And the distribution of the crystals. More cloth coming every day, all to be made something of before tomorrow. More crystals arriving every day from Fangel and all to be sold before the next lot conies. I'm tired of it all. I want to ride away, down Tan-tivvy, you know, titty-tup, titty-tup, going north."

  "Oh, I see. You were sentenced to the duty for being unstylish? Well, why haven't you become stylish? Surely they could find someone less stylish than you?"

  "Bribes," he muttered. "They bribe the costume makers. My outfits are never right. Never. Too big, too small, too red, too green. Whatever."

  "And you can't bribe the costume makers?"

  "With what?" he cried, anguished. "Being Merchant's man takes every coin. Who pays for the street sweepers? Eh? Who pays for the parade horses, the musicians? All of that falls on Merchant's man. And nothing coming in but taxes on cloth, and that never enough!" He put his head between his hands with a gesture of despair.

  "What would happen to you if you simply went away?" asked Queynt, tapping his glass with a fork to make a tiny, jingly sound in the room, an obligate to Brom's moans.

  "Death. Death sudden and horrible. So they say. Merchant's man who's derelict in his duties or goes without leave is taken by the shadow. So they say. I don't know. So far it hasn't been bad enough to risk it."

  Me, eyebrows halfway to my hair, nostrils narrowed in disbelief. "So what was in the tea you ga
ve us, Brom? Not healthful stuff, that."

  "Zizzy stuff was all. No worse than a bottle or two of wineghost to make you happy with life. So you'd wear the clothes and not realize how old-style they were. Oh, Devils and dung-lice, I've done it now, done it, and no other naifs coming to town soon enough. Finaggy-Bum tomorrow, and that's the last chance, for after that I've been summoned to Fangel. I've no time. No time."

  "Shhh." Me once more, sorry for this unfortunate, ineffectual fellow. Poor thing, caught in some trap or other. Well, he bore the name of dream and dream we sought. "We'll stay a while," I said. "Perhaps we can think of a way to help you."

  "You're crazy," Peter said to me affectionately. I knew I was a sometime enigma to him, the oath standing between us like a perforated screen, half hiding, half disclosing, driving him wild sometimes, wanting to see what was really there. He was not sure of the true shape of me, even now, even after months of traveling together. This was merely one of my new insanities.

  "Quite crazy. You go 'round and 'round."

  " 'Round and 'round," said Chance, making hypnotic circles with his head. " 'Round and 'round. If the rest of you are as near to sleep as me, you're talkin' through your ears. I'm for findin' a bed."

  "As we all should be." Peter dabbed his mouth with the napkin and rose from the table. "We've been riding all night, after all, and lucky to do so. I thought we never would escape those brigands on the slopes above Zog."

  "Children," said Queynt sleepily. "Mere children."

  "Children with crossbows," said Peter. "And poisoned arrows. Deadly children. Thank you, Jinian, for the whatever-it-was-you-did! I thought we'd die there, late supper for the owls."

  "It was nothing." I shrugged. It had been the hiding spell, Egg in the Hollow, done masterfully quick in time to save our lives, a good deal more than nothing, but Wize-ards didn't talk about that. "Come, Brom. Take us to a room we may share for sleeping. We'll keep watch, as we would in any unfriendly territory, but that won't stop us trying to help you."

  The man's face, as he rose, was a study in halfness. Half disappointment we had found him out. Half hope the finding out would come back to his own advantage.


  Brom gave us his own rooms in the tower, trying to court our favor, I suppose, but kindly meant for all that.

  There was an inner room with a wide tied, which the menfolk allotted to me, and an outer room full of great soft couches, which they took for themselves, barricading the outer door against intrusion with several items of furniture. Perhaps we were overly cautious, but I had no quarrel with the barricade. More than once on this trip we'd been awakened to danger in the middle of the night.

  Then Queynt got out one bottle of wineghost and Chance another. Queynt, I knew, would try to give me at least two glasses. He found me very funny when I had had several. "Serious as an owl when sober, silly as a duck when zizzy," so he said, pretending to think it a good thing for me to be unserious from time to time.

  This time I gave him no room to get started. "We have a bargain," I announced. "You are to tell me about your long life and what you learned from the Eesties."

  "Arum, ah, oh," he mumbled, "but that would be a bore for the others."

  "Oh, not a bit of it," said Chance. "I've wanted to know about those rolling stars all the years of my life, ever since my own mother told me tales of them at her knee. Wonderful things they are, and a wonderful tale it is, I'm sure. Tell away, Queynt, and I'll keep your glass filled."

  He muttered a bit, but with us all set against him, he couldn't refuse. He settled down with a full glass. The rest of us gathered around, and he began.

  "It was shortly after I'd put brother Barish to sleep in that cave along with his Gamesmen, most of a thousand years ago, give a hundred or so. He had arranged to be wakened every hundred years, and I was supposed to meet him-supposing I lived that long, which wasn't at all certain. We'd extended our lives quite a bit by then, but I was doubtful I'd meet him more than once, if that. So, having put all my kith and kin into storage, so you might say, I went looking for something to do with myself.

  "There were many stories about the rolling stars. People had seen them, particularly back in certain parts of the Shadowmarches. They were said to be thick there, so thick that the people left their farms. Not just a few people, but many. A veritable flood of people coming out of the north, frightened and hungry."

  His voice lost its usual pompous, theatrical tone and fell into the rhythm of the storyteller, dreamy and possessed. We did not interrupt him, listening with our mouths open and glasses largely untouched at our sides. "They said that nothing prospered there... "

  Nothing prospered in the Shadowmarches. Crops withered or were eaten by beasts. Domestic zeller broke the fences and wandered away or went mad and attacked the herdsmen. Rank growths sprang up along the streams, poisoning the water. Noises in the night woke the inhabitants from deep, drugged sleep, and the dawn came through greenish mists with a sharp, chemical smell.

  And there were sightings of the rolling stars. Great wheels rolling on the hills, spinning discs down the river valleys, the smell of burned air and hot metal. Vitior Vulpas Queynt heard all this as rumor in the farm town of Betand, a day's travel south from the ancient city of Pfarb Durim and as close to nothing as a town could be, a few implement merchants huddled along one dirt street together with one general merchandiser, one farmstock merchant selling both hybrid and this-world livestock and crops, two inns, and five taverns.

  Don't forget the taverns, said Queynt to himself as he came into the Blue Zeller to stand a moment waiting for his eyes to adjust to the dark. No matter what world one came to rest on, there were always taverns, and those taverns were always dark. A re-creation of the primeval cave, Queynt thought. Smoky, as from camp-fires, with rituals as old as time. Probably earliest men crouched in a place not unlike a tavern, fortifying themselves with something brewed or distilled, getting ready for the hunt. Man did not seek to return to the womb, as some alleged. He sought to return to the cave. Drier than a womb. More congenial.

  Though not always. The Blue Zeller did not look or sound congenial. The place was almost empty except for a depressed-looking couple against the far wall on either side of a sleepy child.

  "Got run out of the Marches," said the barman, Guire, nodding in the direction of the family. "Lost everything to the rolling stars."

  "I didn't know it was the stars causing the trouble," Queynt remarked in his usual uninterested voice. The way some people were feeling lately, it didn't do to take any position very strongly.

  "If not them, then what?" brayed the woman, thin lips drawn back over stained teeth. "You never see anything but them! Them and dead stock. Them and dead crops! You never hear anything but their music-singin' wild in the hills."

  Queynt commiserated. "Things are better in the south. If you're set on farming, why don't you try west of the Gathered Waters. I just came from there."

  "No stock left," grumbled the man. "Nothing left. Horses died."

  "Horses don't like it here much anyhow," Guire remarked, wiping the bar in an immemorial gesture.

  "And there's nothing local to cross 'em to. Still, the animal market says they've got a new strain's more likely to make it."